The Open Road

The Open Road

This summer I set myself two goals. The first was to get a motorcycle license and the second was to get a motorcycle. What sparked my interest in pursuing this was the idea of freedom. I grew jealous of those out riding on a beautiful summer day. Saying this was my only inspiration would be a lie, Easy Rider also played a big part. I must confess that I have yet to see the movie in its entirety (I do plan to see it in full eventually). Easy Rider had it all, hippies, counterculture, an accurate representation of the 60’s, and a road trip. What spoke to me most was the freedom of the open road. Getting on a bike and just riding trying to find yourself.

So, I borrowed a friends Honda Rebel 250 to use for practice and taking my test. It was an awesome bike, a little small though. I passed the test first try! From there I upgraded, or maybe downgraded? I bought a rough, but running, 1981 Yamaha Dt175. Its ok though, I love the bike. It doesn’t scream the Easy Rider chopper style, but I wanted something I could hit the trails with.

What a gem huh?

Sadly, I haven’t been able to do much riding. It has some issues with first gear slipping and some other bits. That’s part of the experience though, getting it running and fixed up. Maybe some useful upgrades, nothing too flashy. After it is good and running, I want to take it on a little road trip. I realize that its top speed is a hinderance for faster roadways, so shorter trips or backroads it is. Adventure bike and camping is the kind of thing that I had in mind, but I have the itch to just up and “Easy Rider” my butt out of here and see where the road takes me. Who knows where this will lead, but that’s the exciting part.