My love, Nintendo 64
I love the Nintendo 64. I remember at a young age getting the opportunity to play on the system a few times. I remember most the controller and DK64. I know many people don't like the controller, I personally love it. It is my favorite design. It dared to be different, even to this day nothing has come close. The cartridge based games are astetically pleasing. Different colors, the cover art, and being able to see them in the console has an a way of wrapping the system together. Speaking of different colors, the funtastic systems were beautiful. My favorite by far is the JUSCO Japan console.

The game catalogue is also stelar on this system. I absolutely love the multiplayer games. Playing in person with your friends will beat an online experience any day in my opinion. Mario Party, Mario Kart and Smash Bros are all you need for you and your buddies to be entertained for hours. I love the simplicity to them. And they look good for their age. No I will not take off the rose tinted glasses.
After a night of Mario Party 2 with my friend the system no longer works. I doubt that's the last song she wrote. I suspect it's the Jumper Pack. I hope that's the only problem. If that's not the solution, I am really at a loss. I don't know much about the repair of electronics. I have tried the basic things. I need to find some high percent isopropyl alcohol for proper cleaning. I would be too sad if the first Nintendo 64 I've ever owned decides to die before I can conquer any games. I refuse to let it rest before I've had my fun.

I bought an expansion pak for it and also a one dollar jumper pak that was labeled "junk". The junk piece works just fine (I don't think I'll be so lucky with my transfer pak though, maybe everything needs a good cleaning). I do plan to buy another expansion pak as well, I found a good deal on one bundled with some games. I hope it's still at the place. I have also seen the announcement from Analogue about their new Nintendo 64 system. I would love to purchase one but I fear that availability and price will hinder me from doing so.