Miyoo Mini Plus
Recently I purchased a Miyoo Mini Plus. I wanted something pocket portable for when I take longer trips. The Switch Lite is portable, but it's at that size where it seems kind of awkward if I need to do something in a hurry. I have to put it back in its case, then back in my bag. Or if I have a pocket big enough to clumsily hold it, I then find myself fumbling around doing whatever it is that needs doing. I just want something small enough that I can put comfortably in my pocket, with a decently sized screen. My eyesight is not so great. The power and emulation side of things are not a huge selling factor for me. The games I really want to play are of the Game Boy Advanced variety. Everything else I saw as an added bonus. The Miyoo Mini Plus is powerful enough to play all the way up to Playstation 1. It even manages to do Nintendo DS, cooler yet it can run Pico8. Amazing stuff for a sub $100 device that I can slide in my pocket. Growing up I had a Playstation 2 and a Gameboy Color. You can think I'm crazy but for me I enjoy playing most when playing those games like I played when I was younger. Playstation on a TV with a controller and the Gameboy anywhere. The games designed for each console also feels like they respectively fit the time dedication. Playstation with long story driven RPG's on a TV where I can leisurely play just feels correct. Another added bonus is that the build quality and the buttons on this device feel top notch. Really like the feel of it, very pleased.

I decided to give it the OnionOS treatment, you can run it straight out of the box too no problem with that. I highly recommend doing the jump to OnionOS. The switch is very easy and useful. It's also required if you wish to play Nintendo DS and Pico8. OnionOS adds a lot of comfort features aswell. It has this cool feature where you can switch between eight games at that same time. OnionOS lets you scrape the box art for games so everything looks really nice and clean. It also has apps that you can choose from, like a media player. I decided to throw a few movies on it just to see what it would be like. I was thoroughly impressed with the quality and smoothness of it. Music can also be added as well and I believe it can be set to the Miyoo's theme music. I haven't tested this feature because I don't have music to add. I tried pulling from my Apple Music but I don't believe it is of a readable file format. No music was shown in the folder on the device after putting it there. I'm no tech expert, that's just my guess. Adding games and media is super easy, just put it in its respective folders. There are tons of guides online on how to setup the Miyoo Mini Plus with OnionOS. At no point were there difficulties in the process for me. If I can do it, so can you.

I am very pleased with the Miyoo Mini Plus so far. It checks all the boxes and then some. To me portability, minimalism and price are most important when it comes to a travel device. I don't need to take an expensive device with the latest and greatest games with me. I can wait till I'm back in the space for that.