From Japan With Love
Just the other day I traveled an hour north to the big city to meet up with some friends for a Christmas party. The party was hosted by my friends company, they help Japanese people study English and study abroad. They are always hosting various language exchange events. They are quite a good time. It's also a good opportunity to meet foreign people from all over the world as well.

At the event we chatted and shared stories about how we spend Christmas and the tradition associated with it from our home countries. A little piece of places I've never been were shared with me. Smiles and laughs had throughout the afternoon about dreams and memories. Towards the end of the party we had a gift exchange. Nothing extravagant a gift with the sum of five-hundred yen. I purchased my gift at an IncuBie near the station. It was a small glass turtle, maybe the size of a peanut. Inside the center of its hazy green shell was a little chunk of gold filament. It was a charm for good fortune. Good fortune for their future endeavors no matter where they go or what they do the little turtle is small enough for them to take with. I received a goodie bag full of Japanese snacks. Mainly cookies, they were yummy.

After the event a few of us decided to hangout. We went and saw the Christmas market. It was a lot of fun. There was live music, lights, and shops. The shops were pretty much just food and hot chocolate/wine. It was all really beautiful, really put me in the Christmas mood. Being away from family and in a place that doesn't really celebrate Christmas, it's hard to get into it. In honor of my mother I listened to the Alabama Christmas album. However the New Year festivities are something to behold here. Something I am looking forward to. I have been meaning to ask my friends if they have any resolutions. I'm curious if they do that here in Japan. Personally, I have never bought into the whole resolution thing. Why wait when you can start today. That being said I do have some goals that I want to achieve for next year but mainly to just get serious. Get serious about doing things I want to pursue, education, and career/life goals. I've kinda been beating around the bush with these things lately. I want to work harder making my dreams come true. As should everyone else. Don't be afraid to reach for the stars, you can do it. And with that I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year.