A Place I'll Call Home
A home can mean a lot of different things, It can take on many shapes, sizes, locations and feelings. For many their home remains the same, for some it's constantly changing. But in the end home is where you are happy. I recently left my home to chase a dream, and maybe find a new home.
In November of 2022 I applied for a job in Japan. Having no prior experience at all in this field I didn’t have much confidence. There were a lot of challenges I had to overcome. All my efforts bore fruit. I ended up landing the job! I was so nervous and excited! I have never done anything like this. It was my first time traveling and being so far from family. Even still I knew that this is what I must do. No matter what hardships I had to face I felt like it didn’t matter. I was going to give it my all. I dreamed about this for so long, nothing was going to stop me now that it was in my reach. On May 24, 2023 I departed from my small town home in Midwest America. I’ll never forget that day, it's burned into my memory. A pivotal moment in time where my life changed forever.

Never having been to a foreign country before I had no idea what I was getting into. I know some Japanese already, getting around and doing basic tasks have not been too troubling. I haven’t been hit with any major culture shocks. Life really is not much different here than what it was back home. I live in a town roughly the size of my home town. It's an agricultural town too. Or maybe because of my fascination and research of Japan I already had an idea of what to expect. Obviously, I don’t want to commit any faux pas. That being said, I don’t spend the time worrying about it either. It’s always in the back of my mind, I try my best at it but if I forget I don’t beat myself up about it. This might sound like I’m being ignorant, but constantly worrying about it kind of puts you in a shell. It makes you scared to put yourself out there. It is more about leading with the best intentions and being polite. I do take the time to learn the culture. It’s very important to remember, if you're going to live in a different country you should strive to integrate into the community. You have to want to be here.
Two months have passed since leaving. It wasn’t easy but I am so happy that I did it. I have made some of the best friends and met some of the nicest people. I am truly blessed to have made such amazing memories with such amazing people. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. I really like it here and I’d like to stay a while and see how things turn out. It still feels like a dream.
Peace and Love,
Rosso Montoya